Green Bee Atelier Inc.

Mission Statement: Improve life through design and service.

Every journey starts with  first step.

You have already decided that you need and want a built form - the first step is to determine if we are a good fit.
Dreams are great - they have to be realistic and responsible.

Needs and Options Report (a.k.a. Feasibility Study)


Architecture starts as an idea to full fill people's (i.e owner and building users) needs and wants.  The requirements expand to include regulations.  To be able to accomplish all things there must be communication. In schools of architecture this falls under the abstract statement that architecture is a social art. Stated another way, architecture is not a spectator sport.  The frequency, detail and form of communication must be appropriate to the project.


To borrow and adapt a phrase from the constitution of our neighbours to the south, "I hold this truth to be self evident", meaning that we are in a global climate crisis. It should also be self evident that everyone must do their part, no matter how small, in the War on Climate Change. We are all - regardless of gender - like the American WWII motivational character Rosie the Riveter who did her part on the home front. If you are passionate about environmental responsibility then we might be a great fit.


The concept of the Triple Bottom Line - people planet profit - is mainly discussed regarding businesses. With a slight modification (swap out the word profit for performance) the concept very much applies to all the buildings a generalist architect might do for their clientele.  A high performance building is very energy efficient, thus less operating expenses - a contributing factor for your business to make a profit. For the homeowner, that lets you spend you hard earned income on other necessities or pleasurable things.


Improve life through design and service.

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Clients Reviews

To be added soon
      Stephen worked with my architectural practice on many additions and alterations tor the local school board over a number or years. So when I retired I was confident in his abilities and asked him to take over a residential addition project that was in the early design phase. He got the necessary Minor Variance to the zoning bylaw at the Committee of Adjustment that allowed the work to proceed. He also oversaw the preparation of building permit drawings and details as well as submitting the building permit. He liaised with the owners and the contractor during the construction phase resulting in a successful completion or the project. We wish him and Green Bee Atelier Inc. all the best on future endeavours
Clairlea Neighbourhood Addition
- Ernest Hodgson Architect
 I am writing to thank you for the design services that you provided. The professionals at the city and the contractors we met with made positive comments on your work. Andrea and I appreciated your patience through our many revisions; we'd recommend your services to anyone.
 Etobicoke family room addition
- Home Owners, K. Lang and A. Morra
As a friend of the family from church, I came over many times to be with his elderly mother Beth and give her lunch, while Stephen was out at work. I spent many a pleasant hour in the vestibule chatting up a storm with Beth and can say we both loved the views, the light, the cozy space. It truly gave her pleasure and I was so glad to share that with her.
Pollock House Renovations
- L. McKay

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